Sunday, April 24, 2005

Mistake to put freedom / tyranny collision of other country thru prism of left / right US politics

It's quite instructive when a leftwing activist leaves aside the herd pieties of political correctness, especially on the deafening silence of the Left in regard to today's beleaguered movement for democracy, both within mainland Communist China itself and in the Chinese diaspora around the world. Recently, the Houston Independent Media Center carried John Patrick's analysis of the mainstream and leftwing treatment of "the issue of China [which] has seemed to be distant, foggy, or [abandoned] to the China Support Network, which specializes in anti-communism and opposes the world's largest dictatorship [by identifying instead] with the Tiananmen Square dissidents. It has seemed not to fly on IndyMedia, maybe because anti-communism seems 'right wing,' associated with Ronald Reagan or such."

The activist is John Patrick and he is writing for a strictly leftwing website that "serves the anti-globalization mobilization, and good causes like the 9/11 truth movement, and those that seek truth about U.S. elections in 2000 and 2004, and truth about Oklahoma City, TWA flight 800, etc." This is even to the left of Howard Dean at his most screamingest. All this I cite to give a sense to you that lefties and righties and middies are slowly trending away from the trade-charade policy toward Communist China. And why?

One poignant part of the answer to that question is the spread of a Chinese language indictment of the Chinese Communist Party that is circulating thru-out the mainland in almost samizdat form. It's called simply "The Nine Commentaries on the CCP." This doc has had a tremendous effect in presenting systematically the actions against the Chinese citizenry on the part of the Party. And, more than that, the Nine Commentaries have triggered individual members of the CCP to resign, groups of members, recently a group of 60 or so medical professionals resigned together in a single action, until the number has just recently topped one million resignations from the Communist Party of China for the actions documented in the Nine Commentaries.

Contrary to this movement of the Chinese people, contrary the open-eyed China-democracy minorities of both the USA's Left and its Right, contrary to the work of the China Support Network and the China e-Lobby, are not just USA government policy but the whole solid Mainstream Media (MSM) and many rightwing publications too like the Washington Times, National Review, and the Wall Street Journals's Opinion Journal. No, we don't want to go head-to-head with Communist China, nor foot-to-mouth; but that government, against its own people in so many ways, has lately threatened Taiwan's independence by passing the famous "anti-secession law" (which I think should have received an immediate USA response of formal recognition of the statehood and UN eligibility of Taiwan), and then a little while after the contrived protests of all the Japan-hating elements in China in regard to a Japanese textbook that tawt a tiny percentage of Japanese school kids zero regarding Japanese atrocities in China during World War II (here again I'm a little off trend, in that I think there was a real positive side to the Chinese protesters' nastiness - namely, Japan's Prime Minister has finally made a formal public apology to China over this matter, this historical wound which ironically turns out to be much more important for the Japanese communal psyche than for that of the Chinese, I'd wager). Right now, the Chinese government's organized prostests aganst Japan are not on the mind of the Chinese population as is that government's excrable record in all facets of human rights and the most basic of democratic practices. - Owlb
