Saturday, January 29, 2005

refWrite is struggling forthward into existence

Well, here it is, trying to get born somewhat the way I would like, had envisioned after much bogging down in technoretardo happenstantial mistarts. Here's hopin' as I open the gambitic possibles.

Update: Fb16,2k5 - Trying to add Permalink and Article List - Yours, Owlbowlb1

Political Events by Politicarp

calendar entries
for end of January 2005

Jan 29, 2005 (Sat)
Tomorrow is Iraq Voting Day
Iraq‘s national elections will take place tomorrow. - Politicarp

Jan 30, 2005 (Sun)
Iraqi national election
As of Nov21.2k4, a date has been finally set for the Iraqi national electional for the 275 members of its new

Jan 31, 2005 (Mon)
Michael Jackson trial starts > child molestation
Michael Jackson‘s mouth was swabbed for DNA on Dec5,2k4; at the time, today was designated as the date for ...

Jan 31, 2005 (Mon)
Deadline for Serbia-Montenegro‘s surrender of War Criminals
President Markovic of the dual-state federation of Serbia-Montenegro has set a deadline to comply with the ...

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